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Revistas sem Referee
(Non-Refereed Journals)

Clement, C.R.; Val, A.L.; Oliveira, J.A. 2003. O Desafio do desenvolvimento sustentável na Amazônia. T & C Amazônia, Ano 1, nº 3. p. 21-32. (Brasil). [Leia o Artigo].

Clement, C.R. 2003. Book Review: Wood, C.H.; Porro, R. (Eds.). 2002. Deforestation and land use in the Amazon. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, 385p. In: Quarterly Review of Biology, 78(3): 371. (USA).

Clement, C.R. 2003. Book Review: Pollan, M. 2001. The botany of desire: A plant’s-eye view of the world. Random House, New York, 271p. In: Economic Botany, 57(1):145-146. (USA).

Clement, C.R. 2002. Book Review: Wood, W.; Stedman_Edwards, P.; Mang, J. (Eds.) 2000. The root causes of biodiversity loss. Earthscan Publications Ltd., London, 399 p. In: Economic Botany, 56(1):105-106. (USA).

Clement, C.R. 2001. Revitalizing Agenda 21 by focusing on native plant genetic resources: a viewpoint from the Brazilian Amazon. In: Martin, G.J.; Barrow, S.; Eyzaguirre, P.B. (Eds.) Issue 7 - Growing Diversity: People and Plant Genetic Resources, pp. 27. Martin, G.J. (General Editor). People and Plants Handbook: Sources for Applying Ethnobotany to Conservation and Community Development. UNESCO, Paris. 40p.

Clement, C.R. 2001. Book Review: Pistorius, R. & J. van Wijk. 2000. The exploitation of plant genetic information: Political strategies in crop development. CABI Publishing, New York. In: Economic Botany, 55(3):467. (USA)

Clement, C.R. 2000. Prefácio (ao número especial: Reis, M.R.; Reis, A. (Eds.) Euterpe edulis Martius (Palmiteiro) - biologia, conservação e manejo.). Sellowia, 49-52: v-vi. (Sellowia - Anais Botânicos do Herbário Barbosa Rodrigues, Itajaí, SC)

Clement, C.R. 2000. Book review: Simmonds, N.W.; Smartt, J. 1999. Principles of crop improvement, 2nd ed. Blackwell Science, Oxford. In: BioScience, 50(10):912-914. (USA).

Clement, C.R. 2000. Book Review: Levetin, E. & K. McMahon. 1998. Plants and Society, 2nd ed. WCB/McGraw-Hill, Dubuque, IA. In: Economic Botany, 54(2):244-245. (USA).

Clement, C.R. 1998. Book Review: Goulding, M., N.J.H. Smith & D.J. Mahar. 1995. Floods of fortune: Ecology and economy along the Amazon. Colombia University Press, New York. In: Ciência e Cultura, 50(1):71-72. (Brasil).

Clement, C.R. 1998. Book Review: Sponsel, L.E., T.N. Headland & R.C. Bailey, eds. 1996. Tropical Deforestation: The Human Dimension. Colombia University Press, New York. In: BioScience, 48(4):321-322. (USA).

Clement, C.R. 1995. Book Review: Balée, W. 1994. Footprints of the Forest. Ka'apor Ethnobotany - the Historical Ecology of Plant Utilization by an Amazonian People. Biology and Resource Management in the Tropics Series. Columbia University Press, New York. In: Quarterly Review of Biology, 70(2):241-242. (USA).

Clement, C.R. 1994. Book Review: Redford, K.H. & C. Padoch (eds). Conservation of Neotropical Forests - Working from Traditional Resource Use. Columbia University Press, New York. In: Quarterly Review of Biology , 69(3):420-421. (USA).

Clement, C.R. 1994. Book Review: Prance, G.T. & M.J. Balick (eds). New Directions in the Study of Plants and People. Advances in Economic Botany 8, New York Botanic Garden, New York. In: Journal of Ethnobiology, 14(1):125-127. (USA).

Clement, C.R. 1994. Book Review: National Research Council. 1993. Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment in the Humid Tropics. National Academy Press, Washington. In: Economic Botany, 48(1):102-103. (USA).

Clement, C.R. 1994. The human problem {O problema humano}. Letter to the Editor. BioScience, 44(4):211. (USA).

Clement, C.R. 1993. Book Review: Smith, N.J.H., J.T. Williams, D.L. Plucknett & J.P. Talbot. 1992. Tropical Forests and Their Crops. Comstock Publ./Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca. In: Economic Botany, 47(4):427-428. (USA).

Clement, C.R. 1993. Book Review: Nepstad & Schwartzman (eds). 1992. Non-Timber Products from Tropical Forests - Evaluation of a Conservation and Development Strategy. Advances in Economic Botany 9. In: BioScience, 43(9):644-646. (USA).

Clement, C.R. 1992. The economic development model {O modelo de desenvolvimento econômico}. Letter to the Editor. Environment, 34(8):3-4. (USA).

Clement, C.R. 1991. Economic models for ecology {Modelos econômicos em ecologia}. Letter to the Editor. BioScience, 41(8):530-531. (USA).

Mora Urpí, J., A. Bonilla, C.R. Clement & D.V. Johnson. 1991. Mercado internacional de palmito y futuro de la explotación salvaje vs. cultivado {The international palm heart market and the future of cultivated versus wild exploitation}. Boletin Pejibaye, 3(1-2):6-27. (Editorial Univ. Costa Rica).

Clement, C.R. 1990. Pupunha (Bactris gasipaes Kunth., Palmae) {Pejibaye}. REBRAF Informativo Agroflorestal, 2(2):1-3. (Brazil).

Clement, C.R. 1986. El pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes H.B.K.), resultados y necesidades de investigación {The pejibaye, results and research requirements}. Noticiário de Palmeiras Úteis da América Tropical, 2:2-4. (FAO/CENARGEN, Brasilia, DF, Brazil).

Clement, C.R. 1986. Survey and collection of peach palm in the Amazon basin {Levantamento e coleta de pupunha na bacia Amazônica}. IBPGR Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 67:22-25. (FAO, Roma, Italy).

Clement, C.R. 1985. Algunos frutales de la Amazonia {Some Amazonian fruits}. In: CIRF. Lecturas sobre Recursos Fitogenéticos, 7:16-31. IBPGR, Cali (Colombia).

Clement, C.R. & W.B. Chávez F. 1984. Review of genetic erosion of Amazonian perennial crops {A erosão genética nos cultivos perenes da Amazônia}. IBPGR Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 55:21-23. (FAO, Roma, Italy).

Clement, C.R. 1982. Piquiá (Caryocar villosum), multi-use potential for agroforestry {Piquiá, potencial de multi-uso para agrosilvicultura}. Agro-forestry, 3:2-4. (Costa Rica).

Clement, C.R. 1982. Aspectos da fruticultura da Amazônia {Aspects of Amazonian fruit culture}. Informativo SBF, 1(2):2-5. (Brazil).

Clement, C.R. & J. Mora Urpí. 1982. The pejibaye palm (Bactris gasipaes H.B.K.) comes of age. Principes, 26(3):150-152. (USA) {1981. El pejibaye llega a su mayor idad. ASBANA 14: 6. (Costa Rica)}.

Weigel, P., C.R. Bueno, C.R. Clement, M.L.B. Alves, G. Ranzani, N. Asakawa & J. Harwood. 1981. O Departamento de Ciências Agronômicas {The Department of Agronomic Sciences}. Acta Amazonica, 11(1):25-37. (Suplemento) (Brazil).

Clement, C.R. 1981. Agro-forestry work at INPA, Brasil {Pesquisa agroflorestal no INPA, Brasil}. Agro-forestry, 2:7-9. (Costa Rica).

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