Lourd, M.; Noda H. & Alves, M.L.B. 1988. Main fungi and fitopathogenic bacterias of olericole plants in Manaus. Fitopatologia Brasileira, 13(1):25-27. (In Portuguse).
Abstract:A phytosanitary survey was conducted during two years on vegetable crops of the region of Manaus, with the purpose of identifying the main pathogens. The inventory was done on the most common species cultivated in this area: cabbage, carrot, chilli and sweet pepper, cowpea, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, okra, onion and tomato. The soil born pathogens showed to be more common and injurious than the air born ones, with the exception of the Corynespora cassiicola on tomato, which is a serious problem on this culture. A listing of the main pathogens was done with some additional considerations on ecological and epidemiological aspects of the vegetable crops diseases of the region of Manaus.